Rules & General Info
Competition Rules
All pictures of fish must be clear and identifiable.
Final decision will be down to the organising committee on questionable entries.
All objections to be handed in, in writing and signed with in 45 mins of landing times.
Minimum number of anglers per boat 2
Maximum number of anglers per boat 3
Maximum number of rods in use at any one time per angler 2
Maximum number of hooks per rod 3
Treble hook counts as one
Maximum boat size is 29 Feet ( 9 meters )
Longest Flat Fish (Ray are a round fish)
Longest Round Fish only the nominated species to be measured. (See below)
This is a species event - objective is to catch as many different species as you can over the two days the boat with the most species will be the winner.
Tie breaker decided by the length of nominated species (Pollock, Cod, Flat, Gurnard.
If restricted the nominated species are (Flat, Gurnard, Bass & Hound)
All other non nominated species to be photographed with the competition card provided.
In the interest of conservation we are asking anglers not to bring any Rays, Smooth Hound, Tope or shark of any kind to the ashore. Photographic evidence is all that is needed.
There will be No size limit for photo graphed species and the minimum size for nominated species will be confirmed below..
Any Boat late Back to The Slip could Have Their Results For That Day Disqualified.
Fishing boundaries will depend on the weather. Limits will be set and all boats notified and are subject to change.
Boat searches will be carried out each morning; boats will be selected by lottery.
Boats are not permitted to come together at sea during the competition except in an emergency or for safety.
Ground baiting is allowed
New Prize – Animal Hunt – Single prize for individual angler for the longest combined length of a Smooth Hound and Bull Huss over both days off the competition.
All boats & anglers MUST be insured.
Min Size for Nominated Species
Cod - Min Size - 300mm
Flat - Min Size - 250mm
Gurnard - Min Size - 250mm
Pollack - Min Size - 300mm
If restricted :
Bass - Min size -420mm
Hound-Min size - 550mm
The prize pool will consist of:
Boats overall species count (over two days)
Prizes for biggest of each nominated species (over two days)
Individual Angler combined huss and hound (over two days)
General Info
Berths available within the dock for the weekend. 2 Euro per meter per night.
Secure parking provided for boat and transport storage within walking distance to hotel and slip..
Nearest petrol stations is located at Passage Cross on Dunmore Rd - There is no petrol station in Dunmore East ​
Local Angling Stores -
Waterford outdoor and angling centre: http://www.waaoc.com/
Mc outdoor store Waterford: https://www.mcsoutdoorstore.ie/
Boating supplies.
Deevys : http://www.deevys.com/
Adventure Center (located in harbor):​