Species & Marks

Flounder/ sliver eel: 52.16.890/007.00.312
Deep hole (whiting, flounder, dab, dogs, rockling): 52.14.768/006.59.176
Hound, whiting, dogs, tub gurnard, flounder dab: 52.11.275/ 006.56.403
Bass, Plaice, hounds ,dogs dabs, flounder, grey gurnard: 52.10.799/006.56.886
Huss, dogs, grey gurnard: 52.09.250/006.55.038
Tramore Bay:
Pollock rock: (Pollock, coalies, ballan wrasse,Bass): 52.08.476/007.07.714
Ray: 52.09.057/007.08.899
Ray: 52.08.641/007.08.965
Huss, conger: 52.08.653/007.09.598
Outside marks:
Brownstown wreck: 52.05.475/007.04.270
Tope/Huss: 52.05.487/006.56.826
Pollock, cod, coalies: 52.07.305/006.56.434
Wreck Anthony: 52.00.144/007.00.342
3 mile rock: 52.05.464/006.51.063
West rock: 52.05.024/006.51.393
3 mile and west ( all the wrasse, Pollock, pout, poor cod, ling, cod, conger, coalies)
Ground off 3 mile to the south once drift off rock a few 100 yards: red, grey gurnards, whiting cod ,ling dogs
Likely: Smooth hound, Bass, Flounder, Dab, Whiting,Cod, Grey and Tub Gurnard, dogfish, Bull Huss, Conger, Ballen-Corkwing wrasse, Minis, shore and 3 bearded rockling, Silver eel, Pollock, coalie,poor cod mullet.
Possible: Thornback and Painted Ray, Gilt head bream, black sole, smelt.
Tramore Bay:
Likely: Smooth hound, Bass, Flounder, Dab, Whiting,Cod, Grey and Tub Gurnard, dogfish, Bull Huss, Conger, Ballen-Corkwing wrasse, Minis, 3 bearded rockling, Pollock, coalie,poor cod Thornback, Spotted and Painted Ray, Turbot, Plaice mackerel, scad , garfish, mullet.
Outside marks:
Likely: Smooth hound, Bass, Flounder, Dab, Whiting,Cod, Grey and Tub Gurnard, dogfish, Bull Huss, Conger, Ballen-Corkwing wrasse, Minis, 3 bearded rockling, Pollock, coalie,poor cod Thornback, Spotted and Painted Ray, Turbot, Plaice, Ling, pout mackerel, scad,garfish, cuckoo wrasse, goldsinny wrasse, spurdog, Tope, Blue shark, Haddock, red gurnard , sand eel herring mullet.
Possible: have been caught before, Black Bream, john dory, red mullet, tadpole fish, angler fish trigger fish.